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Montgomery, Bucks & Lehigh County Guardianship Attorney

There are times when a person cannot care for themselves anymore. Under Pennsylvania law, the court can appoint a guardian to make decisions for the incapacitated person or minor. Guardians have a legal responsibility to make decisions in the best interest of the child or incapacitated adult. If you are interested in obtaining legal guardianship of a minor or an incapacitated adult, you will need to petition the court to appoint you and you will need an experienced guardianship attorney to help guide you through the process.

Guardianship of Adults

There are times when a person cannot manage their finances or take care of their daily needs.  Under PA law, the court may appoint a guardian with the legal authority to make decisions for an incapacitated person or a minor.  That authority brings legal responsibilities.  Obtaining legal guardianship is a complex legal process. Courts also appoint legal guardians for adults who cannot care for themselves. Guardians assume legal responsibility for an incapacitated or elderly adult, known as “Guardian of the Person.” You can also be appointed “Guardian of the Estate ” which allows you to oversee someone else’s financial matters. Before a guardian is appointed, a petition needs to be filed with Orphans’ Court and a judge decides if the adult is legally incompetent. Orphans’ Court handles estate issues, guardianship issues, adoptions, and other proceedings. You should consult an experienced
guardianship attorney to help guide you through the process.

Contact our experienced attorneys to discuss your options for Guardianship for your loved one. You and your family are our number one priority, and we will have your best interests in mind. To schedule a free consultation with Winter & Duffy Law, contact us or call our office at 215-822-5266. We handle guardianships in Montgomery, Bucks and all surrounding counties to include Lehigh, Northampton, Philadelphia, Berks and Chester County.

Guardianship of Minor Children

There are various reasons that a legal guardian is chosen to act as the primary caretaker of a child under the age of 18, whether selected by the biological parents or a judge. Winter & Duffy Law can assist you in obtaining legal guardianship of minor children in these situations:

  • Parents of special-needs children must obtain legal guardianship of their children so they can continue to care for them after they turn 18. Without a guardianship in place, parents are unable to make financial, legal and/or health decisions for their child.
  • Minor children whose parents are temporarily incarcerated, have passed away, or lose parents to illness or substance abuse, might be in need of a legal guardian to make health, legal and financial decisions for them.


Contact us for a free consultation

Free consultations are offered by telephone, Zoom or in person, whichever is convenient for you.

We are here to help you

We are here to help you. With decades of family law experience on your side, you can rest easier knowing that you have the support you need to protect what is most important to you.
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